Root Canal Treatment: When Is It Necessary?

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If one of your teeth is extremely damaged or infected, your dentist may recommend a root canal or endodontic therapy. This procedure saves your tooth from extraction and helps to relieve pain and cure infection. Understanding root canal treatment thoroughly can help you to take appropriate steps toward maintaining your dental health.

Understanding Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is a dental procedure for removing infected or damaged pulp from inside a tooth. Infections of the pulp may occur when deep cavities, cracks, or injuries occur. Endodontic therapy involves the elimination of the infected pulp, cleaning the interior of the tooth, and filling in a substance known as gutta-percha to prevent further infection.

Why is Root Canal Treatment Necessary?

Root canal treatment is required when the pulp inside a tooth gets infected or severely damaged; this can happen because of the following reasons:

  • Decay: If not treated in time, a cavity can further extend into the deeper structures of the tooth and reach the pulp, resulting in infection and pain.
  • Cracks or chips: When you crack or chip a tooth, germs can get inside and hurt the pulp.
  • Repeated dental work: If a tooth has had a lot of dental work done on it, like fillings or crowns, it could become weak. As a result of this, there is a high chance that your pulp might get severely infected.
  • Trauma: Trauma to your tooth from a sports accident may cause the pulp to get inflamed and infected.

If the pulp is infected and you do not treat it, then it can be painful, leading to the infection spreading to other areas of the mouth from this site. This is the reason root canal therapy near you should be performed by a dentist in case it is required, as it aids in saving the tooth and thus maintaining good health of the mouth.

Signs You Might Need a Root Canal Treatment

Sometimes, it is not easy to know if you need a root canal on your own. However, here are some signs that can let you know you might need one:

  • Tooth pain: A toothache that doesn’t go away or that occurs continuously is a sign that your tooth needs endodontic therapy.
  • Sensitivity: If your tooth has become so sensitive towards hot or cold foods and drinks, then it could be a sign of damage in the pulp.
  • Swelling: You may notice swelling around your tooth or in the gums. This may happen because there can be infection in the pulp.
  • Darkened tooth: There are cases when the tooth becomes darkened due to damage to the pulp inside. Additionally, your tooth may turn a darker or grayish shade.
  • Tenderness: If your tooth is painful when you touch it or when you bite or chew, it can be a sign of a problem with the pulp.

If you’ve noticed any of these signs, it is a good idea to see your dentist. They can check on your tooth and see whether you need endodontic treatment. Be sure to mention any root canal symptoms you’ve experienced so a dentist can provide adequate care for your needs.

Procedure for Root Canal

A root canal procedure is performed by a dentist or an endodontist precisely on your tooth. The following steps are executed during the procedure:

  • X-ray: The dentist will take an X-ray of your tooth to identify the infection and study the shape of the roots.
  • Numbing: Your dentist will use some local anesthesia to numb the surrounding area of the tooth, which means you will not feel any pain.
  • Opening the tooth: On top of your tooth, a small opening has to be made by the dentist to access the pulp inside.
  • Removing the pulp: Special tools are used to carefully remove the severely affected or infected pulp from inside the tooth.
  • Cleaning: After the removal of the pulp, the dentist in Danvers cleans the interior of the tooth for the elimination of bacteria and more.
  • Filling the tooth: The cleaned tooth is then filled with a particular substance known as gutta-percha, which supports the sealing of the tooth to prevent germs.
  • Sealing: The dentist will seal the created opening at the top of the tooth with a temporary or permanent filling. In most cases, you will need a crown placed on top to protect and strengthen the tooth.

After the Procedure

After a root canal treatment, your tooth may be slightly sensitive for a few days, and this is quite normal. You can take an over-the-counter pain reliever to overcome discomfort. In addition, you need to keep your teeth clean by brushing and flossing. Your dentist near you will advise you on how to take care of the tooth after the endodontic procedure.

Schedule an Appointment Today!

Danvers Family Dental is focused on providing quality care to patients of all ages. Our proficient team offers services ranging from routine examinations to fillings and other complex procedures like root canal therapy in Danvers, cosmetic dentistry, and more. We work hard to ensure every visit is comfortable while utilizing advanced technology to deliver adequate care for all of our patients. Call us today for an appointment, and let us show you what quality dental care looks like here at Danvers Family Dental!